Sunday 7 April 2013

Magnetic levitation

 Magnetic levitation

Magnetic levitation, maglev, or magnetic suspension is a method by which an object is suspended with no support other than magnetic fields. Magnetic pressure is used to counteract the effects of the gravitational and any other accelerations.

Magnetic levitation, maglev, or magnetic suspension is a method by which an object is suspended with no support other than magnetic fields. Magnetic pressure is used to counteract the effects of the gravitational and any other accelerations.
Earnshaw's theorem proves that using only static ferromagnetism it is impossible to stably levitate against gravity, but servomechanisms, the use of diamagnetic materials, superconduction, or systems involving eddy currents permit this to occur.
In some cases the lifting force is provided by magnetic levitation, but there is a mechanical support bearing little load that provides stability. This is termed pseudo-levitation.
Magnetic levitation is used for maglev trains, magnetic bearings and for product display purposes.

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Wednesday 27 February 2013

Railway Budget 2013: Full text

important places connected with the freedom movement. The train will be made attractive and affordable through concessional fares.


33. Freight traffic has been the mainstay of internal resource generation on the Indian Railways. I am happy to inform this august House that this year the Indian Railways is set to achieve the milestone

How to Hear Your Microphone Thorugh Computer Speakers

In Windows 7:
1) Right click on the speaker icon in your system tray (bottom right of your screen). Go to recording devices.
2) Locate your microphone in the list. I am assuming it is not disabled as you mentioned examples of it working previously. Right click, go to properties.
3) Switch to the "Listen" tab, check off "Listen to this device". While Listen is checked, your microphone will be audible through your speakers, and in a more advanced facet, through stereo mix. So if you wanted to record your Mic and Stereo Mix, this is how you would do it, but at the expense of being able to still hear your mic (it throws most people off, like myself).

Monday 25 February 2013

14% of people don’t have this tendon in their arm! Do you have it? Learn how to check here.

The palmaris longus is a small tendon in the wrist. However, not everyone has it. About 14% of the human population doesn't have the tendon, although this number varies a bit by ethnicity. Researchers haven't found that a lack of palmaris longus has any effect on grip strength. However, in the case of an injury and the need for a graft, the tendon is a good source. Therefore, those without it are at a disadvantage in this regard.
To check if you have the tendon, you touch the tips of your pinky and thumb together and flex the wrist. The tendon should be very visible in the wrist if it is present. In other mammals, the tendon is responsible for exposing the claws. Perhaps this is why some humans dont have one--there is no need to extend any claws on us. The tendon can also vary in it's make-up, with varying amounts of muscle and tendon in different people. Do you have it or not? Tell us in the comments!

The smell of rain is caused by a bacteria.

You know it well: the smell of rain. Some people claim they can smell precipitation before it comes. Whether they can or not is arguable, but practically everyone knows what it smells like after it rains. Some may find this a pleasant smell, others may not.
Interestingly enough, this "rain smell" is caused by a bacteria in the ground. Actinobacteria include some of the most common soil life, freshwater life and marine life. It plays an important role in the decomposition of organic material.
Thus, it also plays an important role in the turnover of organ matter and the carbon cycle. In the soil, this replenishes the nutrients. Some types of Actinobacteria, the Actinomycetes, are responsible for the odor that comes from the soil after it rains, mostly in warmer climates.
This is perhaps what people refer to when they say they can smell rain. The specific chemical that cause this odor is called Geosmin.

In 1956 the US government ran an experiment and found that beer would be drinkable even after a nuclear explosion.

In 1956, the Atomic Energy Commission exploded two bombs with bottles and cans of pop and beer at various distances to see if they were drinkable after the explosions.
The closest liquids were placed less than a quarter of a mile away from ground zero. The farthest away were a couple of miles. Some of the drinks were buried, others were in clusters, and others were paired up.
The bombs were equivalent to 20 kilotons of TNT and 30 kilotons of TNT. The commission found that the beer even closest to the blast site was drinkable.
It was a little radioactive, but drinkable in dire situations. The farther away from the blast site the less radioactive the beer was. The researchers even taste tested the beer and said it was all good, except for the beer closest to ground zero.
Now you know: if we ever suffer from nuclear war, you can at least calm your nerves with a cold brewski.

If you don’t have cues for sleep time, your sleep cycle becomes 25 hours long.

We’ve all wished there were more hours in the day before. We just have too much to do and 24 hours isn't long enough. Well there may be a scientific reason that we feel this way.
Humans may be programmed for a sleep-wake cycle that is out of sync with the world's 24 hour day-night cycle. In 1938, two men, Nathaniel Kleitman and Bruce Richardson, decided they wanted to know how cave men slept.
In other words, how long would humans sleep and then stay awake if there were no external cues to tell them when to go to bed and when to wake up.
After searching for the perfect location that would completely isolate them from the outside world, they settled on a cave. Just like the cave men of prehistoric times. For 33 days, they stayed in the cave and let their bodies tell them how long to sleep.
What they found and what subsequent experiments have found is rather odd. They discovered that, when left to its own devices, the human body actually follows a 25 hour sleep-wake cycle rather than the 24 hour one that the world's turning dictates.

Scientists created a robotic cockroach that can make real cockroaches follow it!

European scientists developed Insbot, an electronic cockroach that can trick real cockroaches into following it. The Insbot was developed under the European project LEURRE. The project aimed to study, model, and control mixed societies of animals and robots. The Insbot is very small, measuring at 19 by 30 by 41 millimeters cubed. It doesn’t even look much like a cockroach… it’s just a box.
The way it fools cockroaches is by sending out signals with its sensors. It can communicate with other cockroaches and get them to follow its lead.
The scientists chose an American cockroach, because it is so small. They studied the processes and means of communication between cockroaches and worked from there. The result was pretty amazing, don’t you think?
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