Monday 25 February 2013

In 1956 the US government ran an experiment and found that beer would be drinkable even after a nuclear explosion.

In 1956, the Atomic Energy Commission exploded two bombs with bottles and cans of pop and beer at various distances to see if they were drinkable after the explosions.
The closest liquids were placed less than a quarter of a mile away from ground zero. The farthest away were a couple of miles. Some of the drinks were buried, others were in clusters, and others were paired up.
The bombs were equivalent to 20 kilotons of TNT and 30 kilotons of TNT. The commission found that the beer even closest to the blast site was drinkable.
It was a little radioactive, but drinkable in dire situations. The farther away from the blast site the less radioactive the beer was. The researchers even taste tested the beer and said it was all good, except for the beer closest to ground zero.
Now you know: if we ever suffer from nuclear war, you can at least calm your nerves with a cold brewski.

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