Monday 25 February 2013

14% of people don’t have this tendon in their arm! Do you have it? Learn how to check here.

The palmaris longus is a small tendon in the wrist. However, not everyone has it. About 14% of the human population doesn't have the tendon, although this number varies a bit by ethnicity. Researchers haven't found that a lack of palmaris longus has any effect on grip strength. However, in the case of an injury and the need for a graft, the tendon is a good source. Therefore, those without it are at a disadvantage in this regard.
To check if you have the tendon, you touch the tips of your pinky and thumb together and flex the wrist. The tendon should be very visible in the wrist if it is present. In other mammals, the tendon is responsible for exposing the claws. Perhaps this is why some humans dont have one--there is no need to extend any claws on us. The tendon can also vary in it's make-up, with varying amounts of muscle and tendon in different people. Do you have it or not? Tell us in the comments!

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